storyboard page 4

The Waterside Sequence:

The picture then dissolves to a segment of real video footage of water rippling in a stream. This footage was taken over the summer. A beaver had just built a dam over part of the stream that run behind the barn and the water had risen up out of it's bed and made wide pools of shallow water. The ripples are artificial, however, I spent quite a while throwing stones into the water and then trying to tape them until I got some footage that was decent.


Then there is a pan from a section of the painted water onto Nausicaa's face from the Nausicaa by the River picture.


And then there is a pan of the entire picture.


This is only a small segment of the video, I'll add more storyboards next time.

back to Video Project

All text and artwork, unless otherwise specified, by Griffin Waldau. Updated December 20, 2000.

