
medium: pencil on paper

height: 350 mm (14 inches)

width:270mm (11 inches)

no sketch available: this picture is in its final form

     This is the earliest picture of Nausicaa that I've drawn which is actually featured on this site. It is still one of my favorites because it reveals a lot about Nausicaa's personality eventhough it is very simple.

     One of the first things that I admired about Nausicaa is that eventhough she is the princess, she doesn't elevate herself above the people of the valley. In both the movie and the books, whenever she is at home, Nausicaa is shown either repairing windmills, working on the gunship, or just generally keeping herself busy. I'm sure that she could easily order someone like Uncle Mito to clean her tack (equipment) for her, but she never feels that any job is too "common" for her to be doing.

Just another little thing that makes her so great!!

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All text and artwork, unless otherwise specified, by Griffin Waldau. Updated December 20, 2000.

