Intro to Teaching

      One of the things that Nausicaa is most well known for is her gentle ways with all the creatures she encounters. Even when she was very young, she had an inate ability of an empathic bond with living things. But only through countless hours of research and observing wildlife has she been able to develop her skills into a highly tuned art-form.

       I have been fortunate enough to collaborate with her on the development of this section of the site. Adding my knowledge of modern complementary training methods to what she has been doing for quite some time is the result of what is reported on here. We will explore the steps to take to better understand how Nausicaa communicates with animals, and encourage you to try these methods out on your own pets.

      People all over the world are starting to realize that traditional training methods are quickly becoming outdated. Over the past few years new ideas are being formed that are focused on actually understanding  how the mind of the animal works instead of just ordering them around. Traditional training is like a dictation, the one "in charge" will tell the subject what to do, and they had better do it... it's very one sided. The methods taught here are more like a conversation, they strive to help the teacher to watch for signals given by the animal and understand what they mean. And in turn, the animal learns to think for itself, not  just simply obey commands.


      We want to involve the animals through positive reinforcement by rewarding them when they do the right thing, not by punishing them when they do the wrong thing.

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All text and artwork, unless otherwise specified, by Griffin Waldau. Updated December 20, 2000.

